• Slamet Slamet Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam STAI Yamisa Soreang
Keywords: hadharat al-nashsh, hadharat al-`ilm, hadharat al-falsafat


This article aims to identify the Concept of Integration of Science and Religion. Scientific integration is a new scientific paradigm developed in the Islamic University. Integration of science is expected to be an alternative to end the science dichotomy which is allegedly one of the causes of the decline of Islamic scientific civilization. Reviewed by literature studies conducted by the author, namely by searching various written sources, both in the form of books, archives, magazines, articles, and journals, or documents that are relevant to the problems under study. So that the information obtained from this literature study is used as a reference to strengthen the existing arguments. The results of this study show that: The idea of ​​integration did not represent the first two schools of thought, conflict and independence, but represented the last two schools of thought, dialogue and integration. Although they are both initiators of integration, the forms and models of integration offered can vary and vary. There are several integration models that have been tried and developed in the Islamic world, including in Indonesia. In the current era, the science that is built must be an interrelated integration of one and the other between hadharat al-nashsh, hadharat al-`ilm, and hadharat al-falsafat (interconnected entities). Scientific ethos that emphasizes interdisciplinary, sensitivity, and interconnectivity between various general and religious disciplines.

How to Cite
Slamet, S. (2019). KONSEP INTEGRASI ILMU DAN AGAMA. As-Salam: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman, 2(1), 231-245. Retrieved from https://journal.stai-yamisa.ac.id/index.php/assalam/article/view/15